This week I read, “if it’s fun, you’ll get it done!”
I thought that was a good saying in regards to exercise.
Movement is key to a healthy life along with diet, mental health, and medical monitoring.
And if we can make it fun, it will be easier to get it done.
Why It’s Important To Make Working Out Fun
Many of us are not aware of how much we sit each day.
Time on the computer or in front of the TV adds up fast.
An article in the Aug/Sept issue of AARP magazine covered how prolonged sitting leads to an inactive lifestyle that can negatively affect our health.
Becoming prediabetic, diminished brain health, reduced circulation and more stiffness and lack of mobility are just a few demons of what is now being called the “sitting disease.”
Plus, in these senior years, we need to fortify every part of our immune system by working on healthy habits to help stay strong and ward off illness and chronic diseases.
Exercise has been shown to boost our immune system.
Our everyday choices help shape the quality of our future years and exercise is a key component for maintaining a healthy body.
But what can we do to stay on track?
One of the best things would be to get your calendar and schedule an exercise appointment on each day just as you would any health appointment.
And isn’t it great that in these busy times, it is one of the appointments that we can truly choose the best time for us.
If you are retired, who can’t find 30 minutes a day to do something good for their body?
If you are still working, science has proven that 30 minutes can be broken up into 10 minute increments throughout your day with the same beneficial results.
So let’s get started and have some fun with this dance cardio workout because the healthier we live, the better we live!
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