This Qigong for seniors video will re-energize your body and get the juices flowing to a more vibrant you, whether you’re jump starting your morning or in need of an afternoon boost.
It surprises me every time how its slow, gentle moves can sort of trick my body into feeling an increased vitality while at the same time, calming my mental state.
What Is Qigong?
Qigong is sometimes referred to as Chinese Yoga.
It’s an ancient practice that uses a series of coordinated movements designed to engage the mind, body and spirit.
With its deep, rhythmic breathing and gentle motions, Qigong not only energizes the muscles but can help you achieve a calmer state of mind.
Why Do Qigong for Seniors?
Qigong is very similar to tai chi in offering benefits of strengthening the immune system, improving organ health and very important, balancing the whole body.
If you are already a fan, good for you. You have most likely improved your balance, circulation and even your bone health.
If it’s new to you, practice for a week and see if you notice a difference. You can also check out many other stretching videos here.
That was really nice Cindy thank you now I’m ready for my work day I will see you tomorrow!
Wonderful work with the meridians and so gentle.