This seated stretch video will help relieve tense muscles, increase your flexibility, improve your balance and prevent post-workout aches and pains.
Why Do A Seated Stretch?
After sitting or sleeping, it’s not unusual to feel stiffness or difficulty when getting up to move.
With less motion, the synovial fluid which greases the joints slows down. Our muscles and tendons contract and make it a bit more challenging to move.
You may also find after a good workout, without stretching, pain later sets in due to knotted or tight muscles, defeating the whole purpose of exercising to feel good.
This is why stretching is such an important practice to add into our daily activities or at least two to three times a week.
When stretching, there is more time to focus on specific areas that need attention and this can vary from person to person.
One individual may feel tension in their shoulders and upper back, another in their hips and lower back, still another in their knees, calves or hamstrings.
Stretching can help relieve this tension along with aches and pains, improve balance, mobility, flexibility and range of motion. You may even find you have more energy and a more positive mindset.
Folks, only 10 to 15 minutes of good stretching is generally all you need. It can be as simple as this 15 minute seated stretch routine, or try one of the many stretch videos we offer in our fitness library.
Join me as we journey onward to feeling our best. HERE’S TO FEELING GOOD!
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